Tuesday, October 29, 2019

New acquisitions

- 100 Greatest Graphic Novels. Katrina Hill & Alex Langley. 

- Dead Girls: Essays on Surviving an American Obsession. Alice Bolin. 

- The World’s End + Doomed to Die + The Little Shop of Horrors. 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Haunting of Hill House

- The Haunting of Hill House. Shirley Jackson. Dreamy, somewhat childlike Eleanor has been invited to take place in a most unusual experiment: to spend a summer in famously haunted Hill House along with paranormal researcher Dr. Montague, psychic Theodora and salacious Luke, the next in line to inherit Hill House. Eleanor sees in the experiment an escape from her nightmare of a regular life, while Montague seeks to exploit her untapped psychic abilities. But Hill House offers neither escape nor answers and soon it will feed on these people’s obsessions, seeking to consume the loneliest soul amongst them…

Classic haunted house novel, a landmark in the Horror genre from an often hard to classify writer. This book is every bit as good as you have heard and more. Forget for a moment the many screen adaptations (while recognizing the power of the 1961 movie and of the recent Netflix tv series): This unique novel needs to be experienced on its’ own terms, beyond expectations, fame, and considerations for genre. 

A spooky tale very much recommended for the season.