Saturday, September 5, 2020


 Been writing a novel for a while, if you'd like to check it out: 

Such terrible hatred, in Spanish and English. 


Thursday, September 3, 2020

My lesbian experience with loneliness

- My lesbian experience with loneliness. Nagata Kabi. Twenty-eight-years-old Nagata. College drop-out. Subsisting on temporary jobs while trying to break into professional manga publishing. Wrestling with a profoundly-set depression. Only barely starting to come out of the closet. About to lose her virginity to a call-girl. And completely unknown to her, about to take the world by storm…

Phenomenal autobiographical comic. And, without intending to be so, part of a recent wave of gay manga that break away from the conventional, often troublesome established genres (Yaoi and Yuuri, Boy’s Love…) to present instead frank, candid, sincere portrayals of queer life in Japan. In this case, the comic is so frank it does not shy away from the ugliest parts of depression —actually, for casual readers, I should mention a certain TRIGGER WARNING —for depiction of self-harm and suicidal thoughts. 

But this is not a story that wallows in misery. Rather, it’s a tale of finding hope through breaking the barriers that others have imposed on us for so long we’ve come to think they are normal. As she embraces her true personality, Nagata comes face-to-face with several universal truths. The profound lack of sex education that gay people face everywhere in the world to this very date, for example —and this, without trying at all to be universal. She presents her own experiences as-is, and in this way hits on universal themes that resonate with readers from all walks of life. 

Very much recommended. 
